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Ektelon O3 White Racquetball Racquet

Ektelon O3 White Racquetball Racquet

$169.99 Regular Price
$139.99Sale Price
One of the most popular Ektelon racquets of all time, the O3 White has been a staple in the line since 2007. Known for being an extremely reliable proven performer and great all-around frame, this racquet is still a favorite of players worldwide. Customizing this frame with Ektelon Power Plugs at the top of the racquet head can add even more power.
  • Details

    O3 Speedport Racquets - Power Plugs can be added to the top or sides of the the frame from the inside of the hoop to install.
    O3 Racquets - Power Plugs are can be added to the top of the frame only. No from the inside of the hoop to install.
    Delivering Extra Stiffness and Stability. Frame designed with a cross section exceeding 24mm to increase stiffness and stability. Power, torque resistance and frame vibration are improved.
    O-ports reduce aerodynamic drag, creating a fast and maneuverable frame with a lightweight feel for accelerated swing speeds, enabling players to reach more shots and rip more winners than ever before.
    Ektelon replaced traditional revolutionary giant string freedom for a livelier response across the entire string bed. This increases the sweet spot, creating a Sweet Zone, which means ultimate power on every shot!
    All the powerful technology of Triple Threat® with the added benefit of Tungsten for even more stability, power, and control.

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